The Peak to Peak Music Education Association was formed after the death of “Michigan Mike” Torpie, the founder of NedFest (below), to continue the festival and support music education programs in the peak to peak region.

Since its inception, the Peak to Peak Music Education Association has awarded over $8000 in grants for music programs and musical instruments to the Nederland Elementary School, the Nederland Middle and Senior High School, the Gilpin County School, and the Nederland TEEN Center, as well as providing private music lessons for select young musicians in need.

The Peak to Peak Music Education Association Board of Directors presents a check to Stephen LeFaiver, TEEN Center director, to support an after school music tutor in conjunction with the Mark Vann Foundation.
PPMEA and NedFest in the News
Daily Camera “NedFest Calls it Quits”
“16th Annual NedFest Music and Arts Festival on Tap”
Rocky Mountain Jams, August 2014
“NedFest 2013” by Kali Basman
Grateful Web, August 29, 2013
“NedFest 2013: Standing Strong” By Dave Kirby
Boulder Weekly, Thursday, August 22, 2013
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“NedFest Celebrates Community: Fifteen Years of Showcasing Music in Nederland” By Ashley Dean
Daily Camera, August 21, 2013
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“NedFest Celebrates its Miraculous 15th Year” by Kirsten Cohen
The Marquee, May 1, 2013
“Performance Painter a NedFest Highlight” by C. Alan Crandall
Daily Camera, August 24, 2012
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“The Little Festival that Could” by Dave Kirby
Boulder Magazine, Summer 2012 Guide
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“NedFest on for 2012 Despite Death of Founder “Michigan Mike” by Mitchell Byars
Daily Camera, February 10, 2012
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“NedFest Soldiers on Under New Non-profit Group” by Brian Johnson
The Marquee, May 1, 2012
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“NedFest Reboots: One time volunteers split up Mike Torpie’s job among six people and move on.” by Dave Kirby
Boulder Weekly, August 23, 2012
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“NedFest Continues”
The Mountain-Ear, February 13, 2012
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